German language files?

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  • #159

    Hi Ryan,

    I am using your plugin for navigating on my upcoming Blog (, its fabulous. I tried to translate the Menu Items into the German language – but coding is not my profession :-) therefore I failed.

    Are there already any German Language Files for your plugin, or please can you give me a hint, how to translate the following points:

    Home > Home
    Pages > Inhalte
    Categories > Kategorien
    Archives > Archive
    Blogroll > Links

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards

    Sascha Abraham


    I have no idea how WordPress handles different languages. I posted a message on the forums asking for advice, but no one replied <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    To get around this annoying problem, I’ve included the ability to change the menu titles via the admin panel. This is available in the beta version of the plugin. The beta version should be fine for use in a live environment, there are just a couple of minor bugs with the animated dropdowns which need to be ironed out and I heard a report from someone today that I’ve introduced a bug which prevents straight categories from being displayed. However your site places the categories in a single dropdown which is apparently working fine.



    I´ve installed 2.1 beta and it works fine – even on a
    Mac using Firefox 2.x. I`ve encountered one little
    Changing the name of the Menu-Item “Homeâ€


    Sounds like you’ve stumbled across another bug. I’ll put that on my tofix list.

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