Gallery Imageset Issue

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    First and foremost, I love this plugin…looks and works great. I just have one issue I can’t seem to figure out.

    I just installed the plugin last week. I’m using WordPress 2.7 and days after installing slimbox2, I updated to version 0.9.5.

    For some reason, I don’t see the "Next" or "Prev" buttons on an image when it displays. I’m using the WordPress gallery function. I do see comments referring to "lightbox" so I guess my dumb question is, do I have to install a seperate gallery plugin in order for slimbox2 to work?

    Please see the site below for an example. I’ve also attached a screenshot of my slimbox2 settings.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



    I’ve only had a chance to glance over your site, but I suspect the problem may be your theme.

    The autoload function groups images inside of the post or page element, and I couldn’t find that on your page. I’m pretty sure WP defaults to including these elements and the standard labels.

    I’ll take a closer look when I get home later to verify my assumption is correct. We should definitely be able to get gruops working for you, though.


    Are you using the gallery shortcode, like this?

    I don’t think automatic grouping will work since the images are all nested in <dt> tags.

    Try this. Click on each image in your media library and click on edit. Then click on the advanced settings tab. Scroll down to the "Link Rel" field and put "lightbox-groupname" without the quotes and replace "groupname" with the name you want for that image group. That will tell Slimbox how you want your images grouped without relying on the automatic option.

    Here are some pictures of those windows: … tions-etc/


    Excellent, thanks. Let me know if you need anything else!



    Thanks for the info but either I’m missing something or something’s amiss…

    First, I’m not using gallery shortcode. In WordPress 2.7, I’m using the Upload/Insert-Add an Image function in the post. I select the files from my computer and then click the Insert Gallery button.

    When I click the Edit Image or Edit Gallery button, I don’t have Advanced Settings to choose from and no fields labelled "link rel".

    If I insert images individually into a post, only then do I see an Advanced Settings tab but that doesn’t seem to help. Most likely that’s due to the fact that I’m not fully briefed on this type of code. Hopefully this doesn’t mean I can’t use the standard WordPress gallery function. I would hate to have to build a gallery manually but even when I tried that, I still can’t manage to get it working properly. Hopefully I’m just misunderstanding and doing something completely wrong.

    If you’d like screenshots, please let me know.


    What monodistortion says would be true, had the autoload code not been modified, but since it has been modified it no longer is.

    The reason is what I said, the theme you’re using doesn’t add the post class to a post, and as such there’s no really good way to catch the parent element.

    Unfortunately I can’t think of an especially easy solution, but you could follow monodistortion’s suggestion, or manually place rel=lightbox-groupname inside your links when viewing them as html style.

    A better long term solution would be to hack in the additional post class to your theme, or get the theme creators to do it for you.


    Actually, it just occurred to me that another simple solution (though still a step more than people who use a theme that provides the page class) would be to just go edit the post in HTML, and place a [code:f3p4rmk8]<div class=’post’>...content...</div>[/code:f3p4rmk8] around your gallery.


    Do I copy that code exactly as shown or do I have to replace ‘page’ with something specific? I just tried using the code like this and it still doesn’t work;

    <div class="page">[gallery link="file" order="DESC"]</div>


    You need to place it around all of the images, not just an individual image. I’d need to see how you actually implemented it.


    I upload all the images using the tool in the visual editor, then I insert them into the post using the WP gallery function. I believe that’s why your latest suggestion doesn’t work.

    I really appreciate your attempts. My only goal is to get this theme to work completely while displaying my photos in a gallery. If I add them individually, I think I can get it to work but then the photos are listed vertically in one column and I don’t want that.


    The div tag suggestion should still work, but you’ll want to insert it in the html editor after you’ve inserted the images.

    Once you’ve inserted all your images, switch to the HTML editor, find the start of the gallery items and place the opening div tag, then go to the last of your gallery items and after it place the closing tag. This should resolve the issue for you as the images will now have the same parent page element to refer to.

    Again, not the best fix, but your theme doesn’t appear to provide much in the way of anything else to hang it on.


    Another user with a similar issue helped bring this to my attention. The reason the div solution didn’t work is because it should be <div class="post"> not "page".

    I’m amending that post in case anyone else is looking at it.

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