Forum IE8 Issue

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    If you fill up the Message box when creating a new topic or response in this forum, and are using IE8, you will find that you cannot type anything more.  You can click the Compatibility View bottom in IE8 and lose everything you’ve typed.

    I had the same problem with a phpBB3 site that I manage, so I’m sure the same thing will work with this SMF board.  The webmaster could add <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> to the header of this page.


    Thanks for the bug report! There are quite a few problems with the theme I’m using here and I’ll definitely make sure I fix this IE8 issue.



    Hi I have read all the posts about IE8 and can’t find my problem…

    The url is: … -Directory

    I only have IE6 on my computer… and your menus work well with this and ff all versions…  BUT

    the page will only load the top of the header when using ie7 and ie8.  Do you know what I can do about this?

    your assistance is greatly appreciated.


    You have a character problem with the code you used for the suckerfish script.

    You have too much tag soup in your header for me to quickly figure out what your problem with that is. If you would like help please sign up for our premium support deal …


    Thank you for the heads up.  I fixed the charecter…. Will get someone to look at it in ie8 today or tomorrow… That may have well fixed it..

    If you do have access to ie7 and 8 could you please try to load the site and let me know if it now works?

    Thank you.


    that little snafoo in the ie script did it.  It is working fine now in IE8.  Do not have a way to test in ie7 though.. if you have access to ie7 or anyone has could ya all try and tell me if the site loads and everything is ok?

    Thanks for all the assist.


    BTW RYAN…. 

    here is the script that you have on the generate page
    that you tell us to copy and put in our sites.

    Check out what you posted as the <![endif]–->
    you left out a dash and that is what stuffed it.  Just thought you should know and maybe fix in the page.  So people do not get confused or have an error.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="suckerfish_keyboard.js"></script>
    <!–[if lte IE 6]>
    <script type=â€Â


    Woops! Thanks for that!

    That text has been on the page for quite a while now. Odd that no one has reported it as an eror yet.

    I’ll go fix it right away.


    This is turning out to be a very complex problem to solve! It seems that WordPress is rewriting my code <img decoding=” title=”Sad” /> I can’t get the extra dash to show up <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

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