Forth level auto display

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  • #1310

    My problem is that when I hover mouse on second level menu item it shows the third level items but also all the items from forth level.

    1. I use Pixopoint Menu plugin for WordPress.

    2. You can see my problem(in all browsers) online at when you hover mouse on Panouri solare->Informatii. Normally it should just show the third level menu: "Dimensionare, Sisteme de incalzire solara, etc…" but as you can see it shows also the forth level menu, and all of it somehow all items together.

    3. My CSS files:
    Pixopoint CSS File … /style.php –  I modified some things here

    My theme CSS file: … /style.css

    4. I use PixoPoint in my theme code so:
    <div id="navbar">
    <div id="navbar-inner" class="region region-navbar">
              <a name="navigation" id="navigation"></a>
    <div id="main_nav">
        <div id="main_nav_content">

            <!– meniu PixoPoint –>
            [b:bsac0zrl]<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> [/b:bsac0zrl]
            <!– sfarsit PP–>



    It appears to be working fine. Is this perhaps a browser specific problem?


    I see now. Thanks.
    I think somebody from our team repaired it. I still don’t know.


    Excellent <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> They saved us both a job then I guess!

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