Extra option for the plugin?

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    I use the pageMash > pageManagement plugin, http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pagemash/ to exclude my Home page from my Multi-level menu and it works like a champ.  It has options to hide child nodes on an individual basis as well. This plugin should have all the functionality you need to accomplish what you are discussing here. 

    Talwyn Mills

    Theres a new option to wp_list_pages in wordpress 2.7 called exclude_tree, works just like exclude but also excludes all children of the specified items.  I’ve modified my copy of the menus to give it as another option (exclude, include, exclude_tree) and it works pretty well.


    Thanks Talwyn, I wasn’t aware of that addition to the WP 2.7.


    All that is a little superfluous isn’t it?!
    If you want to lose pages from the menu just quick edit them to be "private" and they can still be linked/viewed from elsewhere,
    apologies if i missed the point!


    If you mark a page as "private" it can’t be viewed by anyone not logged in with the appropriate permissions.

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