Exclude pages/categories in WP plugin

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    I am using your great suckerfish plugin, but I cant find a way, how to
    exclude some category, or page… is it possible?


    Hi Vladimir,
    Yes, if you upgrade to the beta plugin there is an option in the admin
    panel for excluding specific categories or pages. It is under the
    "Advanced" section.



    I just installed the beta (2.2.4) on WP 2.3.3 and I am not able to exclude any pages.  I entered the ID numbers under advanced options, but they are not being excluded in my dropdown.

    Also, this code causes a blank page: <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’) {suckerfish();} ?>

    but this one works <?php suckerfish(); ?>

    Still not excluding pages.  Does that only work when using a custom field?


    Hi Gretchen,
    No, it should work fine. If it isn’t, then there is probably a problem with the plugin. I’ll check it now to make sure I didn’t break anything during the last upgrade. I recently did quite a major overhaul of the code so it is possible I’ve missed a few things.

    Where did you see the code:
    [code:4vteh55t]<?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’) {suckerfish();} ?>[/code:4vteh55t]

    That was an error I published the other day, but I thought I’d corrected all instances of it. If I haven’t, please let me know so I can correct it.

    It should have been the following code (note extra bracket):
    [code:4vteh55t]<?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>[/code:4vteh55t]


    Hi Gretchen,
    I’ve tested it and the exclude pages feature seems to be working fine on my test site. What menu item do you have the pages option set in and are you using "Pages" or "Pages Dropdown"?

    I uncovered another bug while I was trying to figure out your problem. It seems that I can’t remove the pages list from menu item 10 of my test site!


    The ‘pages’ bug has now been fixed.


    In the readme.txt file provided in the DL package, it still states in Step 3. Add <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’) {suckerfish();} ?> and needs to be changed to <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?> . The code provided in the readme.txt causes a blank page.


    No it doesn’t. Where are you downloading it from?


    It seems the beta plugin has the wrong readme.txt info. Perhaps that was what you were downloading?

    I’ve uploaded a new copy which does not have that error (same version number).



    I am also looking for a way to delete the Categories, Archive, etc items….I’d also like the the first child items under Pages to be my actual navigation menu.

    Followed all tutorials in docs and on here and can’t seem to use my own image as a background and do not get an Advanced link anywhere…

    Please help, Cheers



    There should be a ‘Click here to show advanced options »’ link on the admin page, below a title which says ‘Advanced’.

    You can choose what appears in your menu via the admin page via the drop boxes under ‘Menu Contents’.

    To use your own image as a background, just find the PNG file in the CSS from the generator and replace the URL to the image file with your own image.


    Cheers for answering Ryan…definitely no Advanced reference anywhere… using WordPress 2.5.1 and latest plugin version from you.

    Incidentally, I have just popped in to edit the source of the plugin…tried to add a z-index to attempt to solve the ‘when the menu drops over a page object it disappears as cursor changes to text select’ issue…the browser (IE7) offered me a nice 500 page for my efforts and then your plugin completely vanished from my WordPress plugin list…


    Hi Pauulus,
    I can’t see any reason why you would want to edit the source of the plugin to change the z-index. That is a CSS issue, not a programming issue so is unrelated to the plugin itself.


    Hi, I have a question.
    I love this plug in by the way, its an amazing resource so thanks a ton for all the work you do on it.

    I was able to exclude pages from the navigation by using exclude pages in the advanced section of the plug in.

    But then, I changed the structure of my permalinks from the default setting of numbers to /Page-title/

    The pages i had excluded, showed back up. I tried getting the editable permalink id from the editing pages menu in manage, and putting that into the exclude peges section, but that didnt work either.

    Is there a way to exclude pages that aren’t in the default ?p=N format for a permalink?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    Hi, sorry for the delay in replying. I’ve been hectically busy of late and will be for the next four weeks.

    The exclude pages function should work fine with the various permalink setups. Do the permalinks actually work for you? It seems odd that changing permalinks would have any affect on the wp_list_pages function.

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