I have tried to exclude the featured category from the horizontal menu by entering ID=6 and in doing so all the categories are removed. How is the exclude/include used?
If you exclude an ID, that category will be removed from the list of categories. Conversely, if you include an ID, then only that category will be present in the list of categories.
I can’t seem to exclude any pages. I have Version 0.6.5 I didn’t see any options to exclude under the advanced tab like some of the other posts in this forum suggest.
I did find an option under the Home Tab–> Main Menu Items –> Pages dropdown. However nothing seems to happen. I tried entering 92 ID=92 and also page_id=92 but nothing. What is the proper way to exclude pages?
@mpmchugh – I’m not sure. If the plugin only excludes the parent and leaves the children by default then you will need to manually exclude all of the children as well.
@Brian – There are no exclude options in the advanced tab, those options are controlled in the pulldown options for the "Pages" menu item.
I have excluded 92 which is the builders item under the dropdown menu yet it still appears. Is the this a bug or is their something else I should do? love your plugin but need help with this.