Duplicate Navbar (Newbie alert)

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    Hi! I installed the plugin on my site (http://mundoranma.free.fr/v2) and now I have 2 navbars. I haven’t modified anything, just added the php line to include the menu on my page header. I’m new at this, and I would like to know what I need to do to get it properly working and merged into my theme (Charcoal: http://joolz.nl/2008/12/21/charcoal-theme/). Thank you for your kindness  <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    What specifically is not working at the moment?


    The fact that I’ve got two navbars, the one that comes with the theme and the one introduced by the plugin. I would like to keep the look of the theme one with the functionality of the plugin one. Merge them?


    Unless the menu which is already there can handle dropdown menus, then the best you can do is to mimic the look yourself. The [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/suckerfish_css/]CSS generator[/iurl] should be able to most of the work for you, but you will probably need to make some custom modifications to do the graphical hover effects on mouseover.

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