Dropdown UL is off but only in IE7. 98% there!

Forums Forums Menus Dropdown UL is off but only in IE7. 98% there!

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    Second button on main nav is titled: ‘ABOUT’ and it has 3 subcategories. Third button on main nav is titled: ‘CURRENT OPERATIONS’ and has 7 subcategories. In FFx (Mac and PC) it works flawlessly. Good job!

    In IE 7, though, the ABOUT button and CURRENT OPERATIONS button drop downs shift over and do not drop straight down as they are supposed to, making it impossible to select any of the drop down buttons themselves. Instead when you hover over the buttons, the dropdowns start below the NEXT button. SO for example, the ABOUT button dropdowns actually appear underneath the CURRENT OPERATIONS button; likewise, now the CURRENT OPERATIONS dropdowns start underneath the NEWS button. Weird. I thought I would make a Conditional Comment stylesheet just for IE to fix this but even that has not proven successful.

    Just look at this link in Firefox to see what it is supposed to look like:

    View the same link in IE to see the ill effects. This seems like something simple, but it has me stymied! As long as the dropdowns appear in IE as they do in FFx, then we’re cool.

    Here is the stylesheet that is behaving:
    http://www.wilcoxoperating.com/wordpres … /style.css

    And this is the Conditional Comment sheet I made strictly for IE:
    http://www.wilcoxoperating.com/wordpres … cox/ie.css

    Any help greatly appreciated!!!!


    Your CSS is a mess. There isn’t much I can do to help except suggest you start from scratch.

    When I removed all of your other styles from your page so that only the menu was rendering, it looked even worse. You also had extra <ul> tags wrapped around the menu which will likely cause problems.

    I assume you have been changing the CSS outputted from the generator?


    Actually, perhaps the following is the problem?

    [code:38phzihb]#suckerfishnav ul {top: 402px}[/code:38phzihb]

    If you need more help, I’ll need you to outline exactly what you have changed in the CSS as it takes me a long time to figure out what is causing problems when the CSS is customised.

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