Dropdown menu showing me diferent colors and nav bar not centered

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    I have 2 problems,

    [color=blue:n7dfdgi4]the first one is, is not centered and some of the browsers, I can only see it the right way in explorer, and in some configurations of firefox, but if I have a window size of 1600×1200 in firefox, the nav bar discenter and goes crazy.

    same with chrome, opera.[/color:n7dfdgi4]

    [color=green:n7dfdgi4]the other problem is, I customize my navigation bar in the Dropdown Menu CSS Generator, but for some reason I cant see the dropdown menus with the colors I select.

    They lock white and blue in hove mode, and those arent the colors I picked.[/color:n7dfdgi4]

    thanks for the help.

    1) this is the plugin Im using

    [color=green:n7dfdgi4][size=2:n7dfdgi4]Multi-level Navigation Plugin for WordPress[/size:n7dfdgi4][/color:n7dfdgi4]

    2) Sorry man I dont know how to link you to my CSS. I have several and I dont know wich one and how to send you a link (sorry Im still learning)

    3) I didnt touch the plugin code, neither the theme.

    4)IM having problems with Firefox 3.5, chrome, opera

    Im using wordpress 2.8.6
    Arras theme is the name of my theme

    my site is http://www.comocomersaludable.com


    [size=3:19675j9x]Hello Ryan!, I want to thank you for this increible plugin, and at the same time ask for your help to help others like who want to set it the right way.

    This is my problem[/size:19675j9x]

    I customized the look of the nav bar, but when I activate my plugin, the bar is showing me diferent colors on the dropdown Menu. Not the ones I picked.

    Im going to post some pictures to make it clear.

    this is the original bar that comes with my theme


    So I installed the plugin, and later I customized to my preferences to look this way:


    So I copied the code and paste it on the on the plugins settings.

    so I activated and this is how it looks.


    As you can see, the colors of the nav bar are the right ones, but not the ones in the drop down menu.

    Do you know how can I fix this?

    I noticed too if I go to the plugin settings and DISABLE THE STYLE sheet


    the sites look like this:


    As you can see, If is disabled, the nav bar works with the dropdown menu, the colors of the dropdown menu like alike the ones in the images before. So I wonder if the stuff is not overlaping and thats why I cant see them with the right colors.

    I have another problem too, Im having problems with firefox 3.5 if my screen is in 1600×1200 mode.

    it look like this:


    And it get worst with CHROME, AND SAFARI


    I hope you can help me. Thanks a lot

    my website is

    Thanks a lot and help me to know if I need something else to help you help me.

    I wish I can link to my css, but I dont know wich one, I dont know if is the one on the theme or another one, and I dont know how to create a link. I dont want to post it here and brake the rules.

    Thank you.


    I can almost guarantee (but not quite) that your problem is caused by CSS generated via one of the following tags/classes.
    [code:2ycq1ygb]     <div id="nav">
        <div id="nav-content" class="clearfix">
    Try removing one or both of them and see if that helps get rid of the problem.

    BTW, thanks for the great run-down on your problem! I didn’t need most of that information, but if I did, that would have made finding the answer to your problem a whole lot easier <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    BTW, I merged your two topics together.


    Thanks Ryan!

    I found those lines of code on my header.php. I erased them both, and this is what I got.


    The bar went all the way to the wide of the page, which is not bad, is just it would be a little nicer to have some margins from the edges.

    Talking about the colors of the drop-down menu, I don’t see any change.

    any suggestions?


    You should be able to lock the width down with something like the following:
    [code:sgv6dz37]#suckerfishnav {width:800px;}[/code:sgv6dz37]

    The following code is still there, otherwise I’d have tried to bugfix a little more for you:
    [code:sgv6dz37]     <div id="nav">
        <div id="nav-content" class="clearfix">



    Hello Ryan! thanks for your reply.

    I add the code you gave to fix the width. I also deleted the lines of code you told me before.

    This is how it looks


    as you can see, the content is still way down of the header, and I need to center the nav bar. Thanks for the help, this is the best dropdown menu available for wordpress. I hope I can use it or other wise I would be force to wait until is more user friendly, I mean for newbies like me.

    Thanks for everything


    You don’t seem to be using our plugin anymore.

    &quot;gluna77&quot; wrote:
    I hope I can use it or other wise I would be force to wait until is more user friendly, I mean for newbies like me.

    I don’t think it can be made any more newbie friendly than it is without just using a theme which supports it out of the box.


    I do have the plugin, just was Inactive since Im testing some advice to configure the plugin on Arras Theme forum. But is still there. Perseverance is the key to succes.  I know I would customize it.

    Thanks man.


    I’m having the same issue with the CSS Generator. I paste the code, but the colours of the drop down menu won’t change at all. I’ve managed to change the width of each column which is rather more comfortable, but the colour of the background is still the same greyish white. I’ve tried adding a line of code regarding the colour of the background, but then it sort of disables the hover function. I’d say a line of code is missing. But where?

    Here is my site: http://abc-baseball.fr


    I assume your problem is caused by existing CSS over writing the menu. The following tags look like something that could be doing that. Try removing them and see if that helps.

    [code:2z27qdj0]     <div id="nav">
        <div id="nav-content" class="clearfix">

    … plus their corresponding </div> tags.


    Thanks for your fast answer, but I can’t find these lines of code. Where are they? And can you be more specific as to what you call "their corresponding tags"?

    I have also a second question. I’d like some of my pages to stay out of the dropdown menu, and remain in the main navigation bar instead, right next to the "home" button. How can I do that ?


    I’ve found them! But look, I’m a bit afraid to erase anything, so can you please check if anything below is very useful before I press the DEL button:

    <div id="nav">
        <div id="nav-content" class="clearfix">
    <?php if ( function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’) ): ?>
    <?php pixopoint_menu(); ?>
    <?php else : ?>
    <ul class="sf-menu menu clearfix">
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’) ?>"><?php echo arras_get_option(‘topnav_home’) ?></a></li>
    if (arras_get_option(‘topnav_display’) == ‘pages’) {
    } else if (arras_get_option(‘topnav_display’) == ‘linkcat’) {
    } else {
    <?php endif ?>
    <ul class="rss clearfix">
    <?php if ($feed == ”) : ?>
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>"><?php _e(‘Posts’, ‘arras’) ?></a></li>
    <?php else : ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $feed; ?>"><?php _e(‘Posts’, ‘arras’) ?></a></li>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($comments_feed == ”) : ?>
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘comments_rss2_url’); ?>"><?php _e(‘Comments’, ‘arras’) ?></a></li>
    <?php else : ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $comments_feed; ?>"><?php _e(‘Comments’, ‘arras’) ?></a></li>
    <?php endif; ?>
    </div><!– #nav-content –>
        </div><!– #nav –>
    <?php arras_below_nav() ?>
    <div id="main">
        <div id="container" class="clearfix">

    Thanks again for your help!

    &quot;Laurent&quot; wrote:
    I have also a second question. I’d like some of my pages to stay out of the dropdown menu, and remain in the main navigation bar instead, right next to the "home" button. How can I do that ?

    Do you mean you want them in the top level, ie: not in dropdown itself? In which case, if they are WordPress pages, then just don’t make them children of any pages.

    &quot;Laurent&quot; wrote:
    I’ve found them! But look, I’m a bit afraid to erase anything, so can you please check if anything below is very useful before I press the DEL button:

    No. Just try it and if it doesn’t work, put the original file back. If it doesn’t work, feel free to post the version that didn’t work here if you like and I’ll take a look at it for you.


    Thanks again! I have managed to put the pages I wanted in the top menu. I realise I hadn’t quite understood what children pages were meant for. Now I know! ;o)

    But about the other question, I have tried to erase all the lines I posted above, but it didn’t work at all. The site was all messed up. The nav bar was right in the middle but the rest of the page was stuck on the left. Maybe I shouldn’t have erased all the lines but only some of them? I don’t know anything about coding so I’m really lost here.

    So I put the lines of code back were they were in the first place.

    I don’t know what further information I can give you to help you help me… But otherwise the menu is working really well, it’s a great plugin really!

    In the meantime, happy new year to you and all your users!

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