Dropdown menu hides behind body text of k2 Theme

Forums Forums Menus Dropdown menu hides behind body text of k2 Theme

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  • #608
    Mike Nichols

    Hello Forum-

    My dropdown menu does not work correctly in firefox or ie. The menu hides behind text and does not function.

    1.CSS location- http://masmotang.com/wordpress/wp-conte … /style.css

    2.Modifications of css are minor next to none. I had to put the suckerfishnav code in the css though.

    3.I am having problems in both ie and firefox. When I put the code on the top of the header the dropdown works great. But when I put it on the bottom it drops behind the header text and body text.

    4. Site Url: http://www.masmotang.com/wordpress/

    Thanks for the great product. Hopefully I can work out the bugs.



    The answer *might* be a few posts down, at:

    https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … ic.php?t=3

    Mike Nichols

    I guess I was searching for the wrong keywords. Thanks phillwv, you have made my life whole again.


    I assume you have this working now?

    Mike Nichols

    Yep no problem thanks for the plugin it is awesome


    Good to hear <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Thanks!!! Helped me a lot.


    K2 drives me insane trying to get these darn dropdowns working in it. The theme has too much positioning going on and it interferes with hover effects. Good to hear you guys are managing to get it working though <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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