Dropdown disappears in IE7 when trying to click on links

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    Site: http://www.gingerpixel.ie

    Hi, thanks for the great plug in, I’m really happy with how it’s working in FF. My problem happens in IE7. The drop down appears fine when you hover over the top item (eg: galleries) but when you try to bring the mouse down to choose one of the menu items the drop down closes. It sort of worked when I enabled the superfish mode but it had "false" written across the background for some reason so I disabled it.

    I’ve used the multi-navigation css generator for my coding and the site is running the thesis wordpress theme.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    You have [b:2woxksii]16[/b:2woxksii] CSS files! You really only need one. Plus maybe another one or two if you don’t want to compile a few of your plugins CSS files into your main theme file.

    Your site will load faster the less files you link to.

    Your particular problem seems to be caused by the following CSS file laying the main graphical intro over the top of the menu:
    [code:2woxksii]<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.gingerpixel.ie/wp-content/themes/thesis/custom/custom.css?122808-161240" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />[/code:2woxksii]

    I couldn’t get it to work in any browsers though. It wasn’t specific to IE7.


    Thanks for having a look Ryan. The multiple CSS files seems to be the way that the Thesis theme works, the developer has said that the load time is negligible. I’ve no idea how I would go about changing it myself <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    Thank you for finding the file that’s causing the problem. I’m a total novice when it comes to CSS coding, etc so I’ve posted in the Thesis forum to try and find a solution.

    Cheers <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    [quote:3iq5v4ks]the developer has said that the load time is negligible. I’ve no idea how I would go about changing it myself <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />[/quote:3iq5v4ks]

    The theme will have been developed to be as simple as possible for non-coders to work on, hence the stack of CSS files. However that often makes it harder to bug fix as the likes of myself need to go rifling through all of those files trying to find what is causing the problem. You can fix it by just copy and pasting all of the CSS into a single file.

    Every HTTP request adds to your page/server load, so it’s generally good practice to reduce the number of files you download.

    [b:3iq5v4ks]Random factoid for the day:[/b:3iq5v4ks]
    I think according to the explicit W3C specs there is only supposed to be a single CSS file for each media type. All extra files are supposed to be dragged in via @ declarations in the core CSS file. However in practice this never triggers an error when validating and it creates more problems than it fixes. The multi-level navigation plugin doesn’t follow the specs exactly in that respect either as it uses it’s own built in CSS file.

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