Drop downs Vanish – POOF!

Forums Forums Menus Drop downs Vanish – POOF!

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    Hey folks, this question has probably been answered 1000 times, but I couldn’t seem to find it 10 pages deep into these threads, so I’m sorry if this has already been addressed.

    I had been using the Multi Level Navigation plugin for my WordPress Arras Theme (1.3.9). It was working great, and looking great! I then let my curiosity get the better of me and upgraded Arras to 1.4.2. Everything is in place like it should be, however now when my drop downs drop down, they do so with a little gap between them and the menu bar itself. When I slide the cursor off the bar to attempt to select the drop down, it vanishes, so I can’t select it. It’s a cruel game, and I keep falling for it, hoping to be faster than the vanishing act. I suspect my readers won’t be as amused as I am by it, so I need to fix it.

    Any ideas or suggestions? The page is http://hugajackass.com[/url:33o3cjku%5D Thanks for your time!


    I’m guessing it has something to do with one of the following tags:
    [code:1p61ljbk]<div id="nav">
    <div id="nav-content" class="clearfix"> [/code:1p61ljbk]


    I probably should have prefaced my issue with the fact that I am no developer, and really know nothing about code. I’m a pro a cut and paste though. I found the code you mentioned. It was in the header.php for the Arras theme, but I don’t know enough about what I am looking at to fix the issue. Is this a menu bar issue, or an arras theme issue. I only ask, so I know which people to go to in order to work out a fix for this.


    It’s a glitch between the two. You couldn’t blame it on either.

    But if you try removing that code it may fix it. Or maybe you need to remove one, I’m not sure.

    If neither of those work, let me know and I’ll take another look.


    Hey Ryan, thanks for the support man. Sadly, this didn’t seem to do the trick, yet. I also have gone to the CSS generator and had the drop down colors changed to match the blue of the main bar. When I pasted the CSS code into the CSS form box under the "Advanced" tab in the plugin interface on my WordPress Admin dashboard, it didn’t change the colors. Now, just to be clear, I attempted this color swap thing since our my last post to you on here. So, it’s a completely different thing. I just wanted you to have all the information on what is going on, in case one is related to the other.

    The page address is http://hugajackass.com[/url:xzigvn43%5D. If you need into my dashboard to see things better I will be happy to email you an admin login to check it out. God, I love open source!

    I really appreciate the help!


    I have the exact same thing happen to me. I’m using the same theme you are.


    &quot;punknown&quot; wrote:
    When I pasted the CSS code into the CSS form box under the "Advanced" tab in the plugin interface on my WordPress Admin dashboard, it didn’t change the colors.

    That’s because you appear to have disable the plugins CSS.

    The file is working, but it isn’t loading on your site. I assume this is because you changed that option in the plugins admin page:
    http://hugajackass.com/wp-content/plugi … /style.php

    &quot;Alexander H&quot; wrote:
    I have the exact same thing happen to me. I’m using the same theme you are.


    You have a very serious problem with your theme. It is loading the head content twice.


    LOL I threw you a curveball on this one. Sorry man, after days and days of trying to get this to work, I disabled the CSS and it accepted my default theme set up. It works, it looks ok, I really wanted the Blue Dazzle to work, but when I just couldn’t get it to work right, I disabled the CSS. I just have to accept that the blue dazzle menu bar just isn’t going to work for my page. Thanks for the help Ryan, I certainly appreciate your time and effort on this!


    It will work, it just requires a little jiggling to make it function as you want.

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