Drag & Drop Plugin Clash

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  • #1329


    First off I would like to say this is an excellent plugin and thanks for your hard work and continuing support and development.

    I have found a clash with another plugin which stopped me from being able to drag and drop menu items in SETTINGS – PixoPoint Menu – Home

    I tested in FF, IE, Chrome & Safari and experienced the same issue.

    I have disabled -> enabled the plugin 4 times now, testing each time and experience the same issue so can comfortably say it is this plugin at fault.

    The Plugin is called: WP Events Calendar
    Homepage: http://www.wp-eventscalendar.com/


    Digital Essence


    Thanks for the report.

    That plugin is loading it’s scripts on [b:33ydizuh]all[/b:33ydizuh] pages in the admin panel of WordPress which it shouldn’t be doing.

    The following line of code in events-calendar.php seems to be the culprit:
    [code:33ydizuh]add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘EventsCalendarINIT’);[/code:33ydizuh]

    Changing it to the following seems to fix it though (be careful as I may have broken something else in that plugin in the process):
    [code:33ydizuh]add_action(‘EventsCalendarManagementINIT’, ‘EventsCalendarINIT’);[/code:33ydizuh]

    I’ll send them an email and see if they can get it fixed for you.


    I’ve filed a bug report on their site http://tracker.wp-eventscalendar.com/view.php?id=214 (need to be logged in to view).

    I also reported a few other minor issues I noticed whilst crawling through their code.

    "Ryan" wrote:
    I also reported a few other minor issues I noticed whilst crawling through their code.

    Quality, that’s what I call service!



    I’ve had similar people do the same for me, so I’m happy to help them out. There’s not many plugin developers out there and I always find it helpful when others point out problems/provide fixes for things so I try to do the same where possible.

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