Double space menu

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    Hi Ryan

    I have installed your drop down menu files and it’s woking ok.

    However, I seem to be getting a double space menu bat when it drops down.

    Maybe you could take a look and advise accordingly?




    I released a beta version of my plugin today which may correct your problem. I suggest trying that and see if it fixes your problem. If not, then leave a comment on my blog and I’ll see if I can find another solution for you.

    The beta of Version 1.1.2 of the plug is available here … … n-11-beta/

    If you don’t want to use the untested beta version, then you could copy the CSS file from the new plugin and replace the CSS file from the old one and it should (I think) correct your problem.


    Hi Ryan – thanks for getting back to me

    I tried installing the beta version, but got a mysql error which wiped out everything but my header graphic!

    Forynuately I backed the existing plugin up as I made some changes to the colours etc to macth the header light grey.

    I then tried copying the css file over as suggested, that corrected the size of the text OK, but didn’t correct
    the error on the actual drop down – it’s a visual error in my opinion.



    Woops, it seems I made two major errors with the beta version. They are fixed now.

    I’ve taken a quick look at your themes style sheet and all you need to do is remove the following code from your style.css file in your theme and the problem should be solved:

    [code:317gmh7j]#navigation li a:hover {
    background-color: #d2d2d2;
    color: #000;

    Let me know if that doesn’t do the trick and I’ll take another look.


    Bingo! Thanks Ryan – that’s worked . . . will your beta change the height of the menus?

    Thanks again



    Good to hear your problem is fixed.

    No the beta version of the plugin does not control the height of the menus. You can alter that by editing the suckerfish.css file which comes with the plugin by hand.


    Hi Ryan

    Thinking about the height of the menus – logically, it cannot be Suckerfish to blame . . .
    It must be in the theme somewhere.

    I’ll check it out – I guess it will be labelled navigation or something.

    I will be in touch



    Do you want the main menu items to have the same styling as the dropdown in my demo does? If so, just remove all of the #navigation styling from your themes style.css file. That should fix it. I assumed you wanted to keep that styling, hence I didn’t suggest you correct it last time.


    Got the menus running niceley with the latest version . . . BUT, how do I only show pages on the menus?


    Go to the admin panel. There is an option for “Pagesâ€

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