Disabling jquery in Multi-level Navigation Plugin

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    I’m using the Multi-level Navigation Plugin and was wondering if there’s a way to not have the plugin include jquery. I would rather load jquery via Google’s code API. I looked over the code and it wasn’t obvious to me how this could be done…

    If it can’t be done easily, then perhaps this could be considered for a future release. It would be nice if there was a checkbox to not include jquery in the plugin’s options.



    In the PixoPoint Menu plugin you can choose the "Compatibility mode" checkbox to disable jQuery. In the Multi-level navigation plugin you need to set a series of checkboxes in the settings page as explained here … https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … 4895#p4895


    Hi Ryan, thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. To elaborate a little more, I would still like the plugin to keep the fades and animations (and use jquery), but I don’t want it to be included. Instead I plan on loading jquery via Google code API.



    In that case what you need to do is to unhook the existing jQuery script from WordPress and rehook in the Google copy. This is done via what is called "enqueue". It’s a little too complicated for me to explain in detail here, but some googling will help you find some information on it. If you sign up for premium support I could write a new plugin for you which does it automatically if you like.

    Actually … it’s possible there is already a plugin which does this. I’ve never heard of it, but it seems likely that such a thing would have been created before.

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