Different Style Per Menu li

Forums Forums Menus Different Style Per Menu li

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  • #927

    Is it possible with this plugin to apply a custom css to each menu li for individual styling? For example, I seen this site: http://www.bravenewcode.com and this is exactly what I was wanting to do (although with different images of course). Can the plugin do this or is this something that has to be done as a separate manually created menu (or custom html code within the plugin?


    That requires some custom CSS. If you want the menu to be fully graphical then it become quite complicated to do it and not slow your page loads down.

    I do these sorts of cutomisations for our [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/premium_support/]Premium Support memers[/iurl] but I don’t do them for free as they unfortunately take a long time to create.

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