Default theme

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  • #54

    can you pleas take a look at my site
    I am trying to use your plugin with the wordpress default theme I am
    the newest version of wordpress.

    can you please help me the menue is not lining up and the menu is
    messing up
    the side bare

    thanks for the great plugin keep up the great work


    The code for the link you provided looks nothing like the default Kubrick theme. It is also missing a Doctype (required for the plugin to work in most browsers) and is missing the code for the plugin.


    I saw some incoming WordPress links from appear in my stats program so took a look. Is this your site perhaps? The link you left in your comment was to which does not look like it was built with WordPress at all.

    If that is your site, then what problem are you having with your sidebar exactly? I couldn’t see any problems when I viewed it with Firefox2.0.


    The menu on looks very nice. I like the addition of transparent menus. I was meaning to get round to figuring out how to do those and your example (I’m assuming that is your site) has been very useful in this regard. I’ve got it working in the last few minutes on my test version of the plugin and will be looking to add that functionality as an option in the next version.

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