Custom CSS for 2nd menu?

Forums Forums Menus Custom CSS for 2nd menu?

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  • #1685

    Hi. I’m redesigning my site and trying to use PixoPoint menu plugin (0.6.20) to create 2 menu bars; #1 for pages and #2 for categories. The site is but I’m using Theme Test Drive plugin & making changes "behind the scenes" so what you’ll see on the site right now is not the PixoPoint menu. Basically, I’m trying to replicate this visible menu using PixoPoint.

    I have two menu bars showing up & they’re showing the pages & categories as I want them to. My problem is with the CSS for the 2nd menu. I am using this hook for the 1st menu: <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> and this one for the 2nd menu: <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu(2);} ?>  In the CSS for menu#2, I changed all instances of "#suckerfishnav" to "#suckerfishnav_2"

    Is there something else I need to do? Whenever I change the CSS for menu #1, the changes are being applied to both menus. Changing the CSS for menu #2 does nothing to either menu.


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