CSS styling affected by permalink structure?

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    Outstanding work – in many ways!

    But… all the .css styling goes away when I change my permalink structure to anything but the default. Any thoughts? I tried calling in the attributes via a separate menus.css file – but that did not have any effect.


    I am sorry – it now works by using your awesome .css generator; but I had to call it in via it’s own .css file, not from the suckerfish options panel.

    Please keep up the outstanding work!


    I don’t understand that at all. The plugin shouldn’t be bothered at all by changing the permalink structure.

    I’ll test it to see, but I’m 99.99999% certain I won’t be able to replicate that problem.


    Confirmed. I changed the permalink structure on the demo page and it is still functioning as per normal apart from the permalinks changing.

    I suspect something else has gone wrong, unrelated to your permalinks. If you can prove me wrong please do though!

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