Confused on new setup

Forums Forums Menus Confused on new setup

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    ??? I have the poixpoint menu plugin installed on a demo site and once activated the Red menu  tabs appear in my Top Nav menu in place of my existing text menu. I haven’t added anything in the menu.php file nor have I generated any code. This appears to work in both IE and Firefox. When I go to Settings I’m confused on what to do next. The instructions state the following:

    "Unlike the Multi-level Navigation plugin, this new plugin does not require you to visit our dropdown menu CSS generator to modify the look and feel of it. You can redesign your entire menu from within your own site. "

    So how do I create the drop down menu or add other pages under a page? All I need is a single top nav menu with drop down pages. I feel I’m missing something obvious but don’t want to tick anyone off by asking the obvious but where do I go from here?

    Any responses appreciated.


    Turns out adding the pages to a Parent page in WP was the answer to my initial question. So now that I’ve gotten through this I’m trying to figure out how to align the drop-down menu links and remove Search. The text or drop down menu links appear to be centered while the hover and background appears to align left. I’m guessing this is a padding issue but not sure. Searching but haven’t figuring out where to make the change in stylesheet.

    Oh and dragging Search to the Inactive list doesn’t stick as the settings default once I save the page.



    Good to hear you found a solution <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Does the drag and drop problem occur for any other menu items or just the search item?


    None of the menu items stick when dragged to inactive. My main concern is the Search box as I’d like to remove it from nav bar. I’m still unable to find the code that calls it.
    In regards to my initial I’m still unable to have my drop downs align to the left. Here’s the demo link to give a better idea of the issue:
    Is this a padding or alignment issue?

    Any and all further responses greatly appreciated.


    Can you move them to the "Second menu" section? Or can you move the inactive items into the actual menu section?

    Your styling problems are likely caused by the following chunk of code:
    [code:33s24zkg]<div class="menu"> [/code:33s24zkg]

    Try removing that (and the corresponding </div> tag) and you may find the problems are fixed as it is probably over writing some of the menus CSS with extra styling including aligning the text to the center.


    I’m unable to get any of the menu items to stay using IE or FF. For kicks I confirm that I am able to drag widgets to sidebars using both browsers.

    It looks as though that <div> statement controls the following style sheet settings for the theme I’m using:

    /***** HORIZONTAL MENU *****/
    .menu  { float: left; width: 100%; min-width: 900px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; text-transform: uppercase; background: #660066 url(images/menu-content.jpg) repeat; border-bottom: #C7A23A 5px double; }
    .menu ul { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 4px 0; list-style: none; }
    .menu ul li { display: inline; margin: 0; }
    .menu ul li a { width: 100%; padding: 0 0 0 15px; text-decoration: none; color: #FBFBEF; font-family: "Arial", Times New Roman, Times, Sans-serif, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-weight: normal; font-size: 1em; }
    .menu ul li a:hover { color: #660066; text-decoration: underline overline; color: #C7A23A; }

    Removing this throws the menu to the top and opens another can of worms.


    FOUND IT!!! <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />

    Turns out the center text was being controlled by this:

    /***** MAIN CONTENT *****/
    body { margin: 0; font-size: 76.5%; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; background: #c9a8ce url(images/bg_body.jpg) repeat-x; color: #000; }

    Still unable to remove the Search box.

    Thanks for the help.


    I don’t know where to even start to figure out what your search box problem might be.

    If you don’t mind handing over your admin login details for me to have a poke under the hood, send them via our contact page and I’ll take a look for you …

    [size=1:3p1yfzcr]Note: If anyone else is reading this, please don’t go randomly handing me your login details unless I need them. Some WordPress users seem to go handing over their login details to any old Tom, Dick or Harry which is a silly thing to do as you are essentially giving them free reign over your server.[/size:3p1yfzcr]


    The Search box seems to have appeared after adding the drop down menu. I displayed the CSS for the horizontal menu below and have checked the menu.php file to see if it’s calling it so I’m "assuming", but could easily be wrong, that it’s being called by the drop down menu. It wouldn’t be a big deal if I wasn’t trying to add Google Search.
    It’s not a Pixopoint issue and I’m happy with the end result. So thanks again for the help.


    No I stand corrected the search box is added by the drop down menu. Before I was unable to drag it to the inactive list and have it "stick". Now I guess the Gods have smiled down upon me as I’ve been to move it to inactive. So all is well in the universe.

    Thanks gain for the plugin.


    I can’t think of any possible reason why only the search box would not be movable. There are many reasons why [b:2a16a4pz]all[/b:2a16a4pz] of the menu items might not be draggable, but I can’t figure out anything which would cause only the search box to have this problem. Very odd.

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