Having problems installing the plug-in, whenever i add code, it removes it.
Not even sure i am putting it in right place, complete web-building novice!
Is this the right plug-in to add drop down menu to parent group bar, to navigate sub-group pages without having big list at side of page?
I’m not 100% sure of what you are asking. But take a look at the demo page and you can see what this plugin does.
The site you have left the link for does not seem to have the plugin activated. If the plugin is uploaded and activated, the plugin code should appear between your head tags which it currently does not.
Once you have the plugin activated, all you need to do is to add the following code wherever you want the dropdown menu to appear in your template:
[code:2mzzajyk]<?php suckerfish(); >[/code:2mzzajyk]
Have activated plug-in in admin, but when i copy paste the code into header.php, and go to check if its worked, when I look back in header.php its deleted it.
Have looked at other replies to see exactly where to put it, maybe putting in wrong place?
As that site does not appear to have the plugin activated.
I don’t think you are putting the code in the wrong place, something more bizarre is happening.
Are you using the template editor in WordPress? I have never used that. It may be editing your code like the regular WordPress post editor does – I’m not sure about that though. Perhaps you should try editing the file on your computer and re-upload it.
lol, too complicated for me, its two seperate servers? Golf one is on amber.net, I’m using orange? Your plugin is definately in my list of plug-ins on site and activated?
Yes trying to edit via wordpress theme editor, could it be theme is not editable?
Wouldn’t have a clue how to edit file on computer so may have to leave it.
Yes, it may be your theme. I’m busy right now, but I’ll post back with instructions on how I think you can correct that. If the problem is what I think it is, then you may have troubles with lots of other plugins too.