Changing titles and colours

Forums Forums Menus Changing titles and colours

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  • #143

    I am using your 1.0.1 Beta in WP v.2.5. and it is working.

    Two questions:
    How can I change the title “Blogrollâ€


    You should be able to change the titles via the admin panel.

    Some times when I refer to “your CSS fileâ€


    Ryan – sorry – the blog is at

    I am not sure where in the admin panel to make the title changes, unless I am looking at the wrong page.

    Thanks for the bother, George


    It looks like the plugin isn’t activated (there’s an error saying that the suckerfish() function could not be found). Let me know when it’s activated and I’ll take another look.


    Ryan-I am not too bright! Discovered your great, admin panel. All needed changes made. Thanks again for a really cool, much needed, very simple (for the newbie) dropdown menu.


    Glad to hear you got it going eventually <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Ryan – the menu works perfectly in I.E. But, in Firefox the blue navigation bar and the menu items do not show. Strangely the menu items show when you run the mouse over them (mouseover). Any thoughts?


    Your menu is displaying exactly as you have set it to in Firefox. IE is displaying it incorrectly. Since you have set the background to white, the menu is displaying as white accordingly, hence you can’t see it on your white background.


    Ryan – Got it. Used your Generator for a quick solve. Thanks.

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