Categories option not working in WordPress plugin

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    I noticed when testing version 1.6.2 of the plugin that the ‘Categories’ option produced nothing, after inspecting the plugin file I noticed that the if statements were trying to match ‘Category’. A quick search and replace of ‘Categories’ for ‘Category’ seems to have fixed it right up and now it does exactly what I had hoped it would…

    Thanks for the plugin, after this quick fix it is perfect for my needs <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Thank you very much! That is quite a major bug and I’ll try to get that sorted and a new version uploaded tonight.

    Thanks for the bug report and even more for letting me know what the problem is. I’ll add a link for you on the credits page in the WordPress plugins repository.

    I couldn’t figure out what your problem was for a start as heaps of people have been using the category dropdown on their site with no problems at all. But I see that the problem you have encountered is the simple list of categories (not all contained in the one dropdown).

    EDIT: This bug has probably made it’s way through to the beta plugin too so I’ll see if I can sort a fix for that asap as well.


    Glad I could help, and thank you for the link on the repository. I suppose I’m going to have to get myself in gear and get something up and running there now!!

    I do have one more request, though it is nothing major, and most people wouldn’t use it. I was wondering if it would be possible to get a widget for this plugin? I am working on a theme for my site that has widgetized header and footer. I’ve written a widget for this into my functions.php, but it would be much better if one were in the plugin itself. Just a thought <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Thanks again for the great plugin!


    Widgetised header and footer? Interesting concept. I’d considered adding something like that to my “Aqua Vacciniumâ€


    If you want to hurry me up with the widgetising, then send me a link to a good tutorial on how to widgetise plugins as I don’t have the foggiest idea how at the moment.


    Heh, it seems google is a little short on useful links for the whole wordpress widget thing. After a bit of digging around I found this link to the wordpress widget API at It has links to tutorials for themes and plugins in the first paragraph.

    Honestly, I mostly just looked at other themes and plugins to see how they did it.

    About those widgetized headers and footers, it is a bit odd, but it works great for things like quote of the day/random quotes, your menu plugin, things that can be long and flat. It’s not so good for things like calendars, or other stuff that works better in tall blocks. Though I suppose some of that depends on your css skills.

    Anyway, good luck with all of this, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with future versions of this plugin!


    Thanks Krusty Ruffle <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’m reading the link now. Although you are probably right, taking a look to see how other plugins works is probably the best option.

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