Categories and Archives not showing on new theme

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    I have created a theme and all is well (for now) except that the list of categories and archives in the left-hand sidebar do not show up. If I switch to delault or other themes they show up. I did a search on WordPress Blog and got completely lost! I have a feeling the php is messed up, because they show up on other themes. Per some solutions by others, I have added new categories, added new posts with the new categories, de-activated the "Categories" and "Archives" widgets then re-activated. Nothing seems to work. Can anyone tell me which file to look in and what to look for to see if the php is attempting to list these?


    This sounds like a problem in the way WordPress does the widgets. The default theme probably uses a different widget name than the template generated ones and WordPress goofs up when you leave the widgets in the default theme and then try to use them in your template generated theme.

    I don’t have the link at hand, but Justin Tadlock wrote a plugin which resets the widgets for you. A search for "tadlock widgets reset" should probably find it.


    Thanks for the reply. I did load the Widget Reset plugin and my categories and archives are still not showing up. Any other ideas?


    I have asked about my Categories and Archives not showing up and was instructed to use a Plugin that resets all the Widgets. I did that and it still will not show the sidebar items. I have since then totally started over again thinking something was corrupted in my theme. I have now re-started this theme three times, and every time I get odd results. I really need some help now. This time they are showing up, but they are not in a sidebar. And they are not showing the proper styles at all. This is really becoming frustrating. I have attached a screen capture of what is going on now.

    I am also attaching the xml file

    Could someone please help me out here?


    You have the widgets in your page top, not in the sidebar in the screenshot that you attached but I’m assuming that wasn’t what your question was related to.

    When I place a widget in the sidebar, the list item text is barely visible. This is because the font size for the sidebar list items is not set:
    [b:1m5fifj5]Sidebar > list items > font size[/b:1m5fifj5]

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