Cannot create CSS

Forums Forums Menus Cannot create CSS

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  • #746

    Have subscribed to premier service, but I cannot even create CSS code.

    When I submit design, the CSS generator locks me out.

    Ryan, your help is needed… Thx


    Sorry to hear something is not working. What exactly do you mean by ‘locked out’?


    I’ve extended your subscription an extra week to compensate for the delay.


    I remember as a free member, I can generate CSS code after click "submit design" button.

    Acually I try to create CSS for sidebar as a premier service, but when I click "submit design", I will be logged off (OR locked out) automatically.

    I do not need any themes from you, what I need is just CSS code for sidebar multi-level menu. I am totally loss as premier service user, frankly I cannot even know where and how to generate CSS code as a premier service user.

    Can you tell me where is dropdown menu CSS generator for premier service?

    The templete generator in your website does not generate any CSS code as in your free service?



    The CSS generator is at

    The same page is used for premium and non-premium members. When you are logged into the forum, you will be able to use the premium features in the CSS generator. The template generator is entirely separate and is not intended for obtaining CSS for menus; it does however create menus within templates which are compatible with the Multi-level Navigation plugin, but it sounds like that is not what you are trying to do anyway.


    Thank. The theme I used is incompatible with the multi-level navigation plugin.


    I’m sure it can be made to work. It just requires a little fiddling with the CSS.


    It works but for some themes, the menu appears at the bottom of hardcoded page or contents. One example is cognoblue theme.

    Do you know any way to keep the menu always on the top of a page?



    I can’t answer any more detailed than that though as it isn’t possible to provide generic instructions since there are so many different ways of coding themes.

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