Can Slimbox use one image as a link but show multiple images when clicked on?

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Can Slimbox use one image as a link but show multiple images when clicked on?

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  • #1300

    Hi there,

    first of all, amazing plugin. Looks fantastic and showcases illustrations and designs in a wonderful way.

    I just have one little question: Due to the fact that some of our illustration work is contained in books, we want to show a few pages of them in one lightbox but only link from one thumbnail.
    Is that possible?

    All I could get right was to have an image with a link and allocate, for e.g. lightbox-illustration, and then place text links underneath and also allocate the lightbox-illustration category.
    Is there any other solution to this?

    You can see what I’ve done here: (scroll down to the second image with the text links underneath and watch the magic work) <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I would love to get this to work. Can anyone help me with this?

    Greetings from Cape Town,



    I think there are a couple ways to do this, but my first suggestion would be to place the text links inside a parent element with display set to none. ie:[code:2carntal]<p style="display: none;"><a rel="lightbox-procrastination" ...></a></p>[/code:2carntal]

    That basically hides the text links from anyone looking at the rendered page, but doesn’t hide it from slimbox.

    Glad you like the plugin!


    thank you so so much! That works perfectly!

    One more thing though. I placed a few slimboxes on one page. They are all labeled differently but when you click on the images to show one of the lightboxes, you can click through all on the images that are loaded into the other slimboxes too.
    Does it always do that? Isn’t it supposed to only call upon the images in a certain category?

    Here is what I am talking about:

    U guys rock,



    Sorry for the delay responding to you, I’ve been a bit busy, and had trouble verifying what I thought was wrong.

    Simply put, since you’ve manually added the [code:t15ha09h]rel="lightbox-gallery" to your[/code:t15ha09h] to your links you should un-check autoload. That will tell it to only lightbox images you’ve tagged as such, and it will then abide by the grouping you’ve added.

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