Basic Questions about Category Dropdown

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  • #489

    Hi Ryan,

    I downloaded your Multi Level WordPress Widget and am struggling to get it to work. (I’m a web designer and have obviously missed some simple thing that needs to be done to make the plugin work).

    1. I uploaded the plugin to the plugin directory
    2. Activated plugin
    3. Added the script <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?> to the header.php file just under the <body tag> & uploaded file
    4. Added the script <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?> to the sidebar.php page as per attached screenshot & uploaded file

    Should the categories immediated be displaying drop downs? Please tell me what I’m doing wrong


    – Where is your CSS?
    In the backend I can view the stylesheet here: Settings > multi-level navigation. Am I supposed to be adding this code to another page. (My main aim is to get it working without any changes first)

    What modifications have you made to the CSS?
    – None

    What browsers are you having problems with?
    – It’s just not displaying (I’m obviously doing something wrong)

    What is the URL for your site?



    The plugin isn’t designed to be used twice on the same page. You would need to add the menu code directly to the page to do that.

    This isn’t your main problem though. The rest of your page content is laid over the top of the menu. Presumably you are using some sort of position technique which has moved your content upwards and hence covered the menu up.

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