Assistance needed troubleshooting slimbox2

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Assistance needed troubleshooting slimbox2

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  • #1831

    Hi,  I have Slimbox2 working on my local laptop perfectally.  Installed it two times on my production wordpress hosted at GoDaddy.  The first time worked great but had domain and path issues so had to delete and reinstall entire site.  When I click on a picture, it goes to a page view of the picture instead of the pop-up box.  I am using twenty eleven child theme and wordpress 3.3.1.  Same as my first install.  Could you please help me figure out what is not working?


    I’ll need more to go off of. Can you link to the site in question?


    Here is my web site


    Sorry I took so long to take a look, but I just checked now and it appears to be working correctly…


    Still not working for me.  Updated to the new version.
    From the menu click Information –> Process.  Then click on any inserted image.


    It’s not working on that page because the hyperlinks appear to be broken or incorrect.
    [code:2es3xywy]<a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-54"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-54" title="2.  Apply" src="" alt="Apply diluted product using a water truck." width="1257" height="301" /></a>[/code:2es3xywy]


    Thanks for the tip.  The quick fix was to edit each photo and click "Link to Image".  A lot quicker that re-uploading all photos.  Not sure what caused it to lose the path.  I uploaded them all the same as I did locally. 
    I have two different settings on my localhost than production. 
    1.  My language plugin has an option to ‘Hide URL language information for default language".  It is unchecked in production and checked on localhost; or
    2. (and most likely) On my local host, I stored the files in a monthly folder.  In production I choose to take the default and actually entered  ‘wp-content/uploads’ as the path instead of leaving it blank.  The pictures are in the right folder, it is just behaving different. 

    The other thing that I just noticed, my footer photos are controlled by NextGen Gallery.  They worked fine with your plugin without any modifications to the pictures after uploading.  I didn’t test that.  At any rate, since it is working beautifully, I’m not going to try to figure out which other setting caused the problem.
    Thanks you kindly for your assistance.  You can mark this as resolved.


    Glad I could help.

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