"Aqua Vaccinium" WordPress theme discussion

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    This topic is for leaving comments about the new Aqua Vaccinium WordPress theme.

    Please post questions or suggestions in a new topic.


    Nice theme, the top menu looks stylish. Keep up the good work.


    Thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> The top menu took quite a bit of messing around to get it working cross browser.

    It can also be used as a standard non-dropdown menu.


    I like this. Lots!

    And very generous of you to release it for other to use too.

    Many thanks.


    Version 1.1 has been uploaded. This new version supports widgets.

    I’ve added a few minor bug fixes but haven’t corrected the NextGen conflict which Pablo reported. I’ll get on to that at a later date. There are also a bunch of CSS things I’d like to improve and it doesn’t support the new built in WordPress Gravatar system.


    How do you change the main menu to be the pages instead of the blog catagories?


    It already is.

    The old version had categories by default, but the new one uses Pages by default instead.



    A great theme! thanks for releasing it. a small question, is there a way to limit the amount of pages to the top menu while keeping the main menu with all pages listed?


    Hi Uzi,
    Do mean the number of menu items, or the depth?

    For depth, try using [code:7uujsmud]wp_list_pages(‘depth=x’)[/code:7uujsmud] in replace of the existing [code:7uujsmud]wp_list_pages()[/code:7uujsmud], where x is the depth of dropdowns you want to appear.

    The only way I know to limit the number of pages displayed is to exclude specific ones like this [code:7uujsmud]wp_list_pages(‘exclude=1,2,3,4’)[/code:7uujsmud].


    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for a quick response! I modified what you suggested and came out with this:

    wp_list_pages(‘include=2,6,8&title_li=&depth=1’ )

    Works like a charm but figuring the right ID took a little while…



    Hi Uzi,
    Good to see you got it to work the way you wanted <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    And yeah, WordPress 2.5+ has hidden the ID’s now. I think they were trying to simplify things for non-coders, but just ended up complicating things even more. Hopefully they’ll change it back. I reported it as a bug while it was in beta form, but it made it’s way through to the final product unfortunately <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    Hi – for some reason I get the categories rather then pages as default – help!
    Thanks for a great theme ;-)


    Yes, the theme displays categories by default, not pages.

    You can change that in the header.php file. There will be a code which says wp_list_categories, you just need to change that to wp_list_pages.

    I’m working on a new version of this theme at the moment which will allow you to automatically control the menu contents via the Multi-level navigation plugin. It will hopefully be available within the next month.


    Can anyone help me modify this theme via instant messenger? Anyone who can will be provided with free ad space and have the potential to become a part of future business projects.

    Email: insanefreestuff@gmail.com
    AIM: insanefreestuff


    Actually I have much better plan than MSN. I’ll email you about it.

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