Aqua Vaccinium width

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  • #545

    Does anyone else not like the sidebar width and is having trouble changing it? Any changes that I make and suggestions that have been made are not working at all. Can you make the sidebar width smaller on the new release?


    This image shows how I’m trying to get it to look like. I was thinking before to have the content of each sidebar to be center-aligned, but I think it might look better with how it looks in the picture (left-aligned and right-aligned). The arrows are to show that the middle content is stretched to fit.

    I made this quickly in paint, so it may not be entirely proportionate. The width doesn’t have to be exactly how it is in the picture, but for sidebars to be equal and close to that size. I don’t want that mirror image like it is on the left sidebar, but that was the easiest way I could demonstrate the right-aligned content.


    So you just want skinny sidebars and the main content stretched to the edges?

    You can achieve that by changing the overall width and sidebar widths. Attached is an XML file and an image for an example with overall width of 96% and sidebar width of 140px.

    Note to insanefreestuff: I split this off from the other topic since they are unrelated issues.


    That looks great, but can you get the dividers back in there?


    The dividers are controlled by the images. To change them, you just need to modify the background images for the sidebars.


    Ok I will let you know how that works out. What do I do with the xml file?


    Premium subscribers can upload the XML file directly into the template generator in the ‘Upload/save’ section.


    Can you please post the css file?


    What CSS file?

    Do you mean the one which is outputted by the template generator?


    The css that has those changes applied to it (like in the picture you provided).


    No. I’ve provided enough information for you to do it yourself.

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