Added Functionality > display pagespages & children

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    I needed more flexibility from what the menu displays so I edited your WordPress Plugin code.


    Now you can select specific pages to show ,and either show only the page or display the page and it’s children as the submenu.

    Here are the two files:
    You could extend this idea to categories also. For this site though, we weren’t using postscategories much.

    Hoping it will be useful for someone.


    Wow! Thank you very much!

    I’m hectically busy right now so don’t have time to look into this. But I will definitely test it as soon as I get time. If it works well then I’ll incorporate it into the next release for you and add a credit for you in the plugin documentation and the repository. Do you have a link you would like added alongside the credit?


    Great new feature !  <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />

    I just hope it will be available also for secondary menu some day.


    I tried implementing this today, but I can’t see what it does.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    I tried implementing this today, but I can’t see what it does.

    Hey Ryan,

    What it does is it allows you select  specific pages  as a  Menu dropdown for the primary menu, and also has the option to display just a link to the page or  display all children as a nested submenu as well.

    You can see an example of it at


    Hi, I checked the example site in the most recent Firefox and Opera, and I agree with the previous poster, I cant see any sub menus appear?


    It does work… sort of. You need to put the two files in the zip above in the MLN folder, replacing the ones already there (backup copies don’t hurt).

    It adds extra menu options in the "Menu Contents" section of the MLN settings: categories by name and the option to display them with children.

    But there is one problem: in my config, it does not pick the highest category. For example, if I have categories such as "About Us > Department A > Sub-Department A1", I will see Department A as a category, but not About Us.

    It’s a great idea — especially, it’s one I need. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> But, for the moment, it doesn’t work properly.



    Any update on this functionality and its possible insertion into future MLM?

    I saw there are some beta versions out, do they already include it?

    Many thanks in advance!


    I’m still not sure what this does. I might take another look tomorrow and see if I can figure it out.


    I updated the patch to the recent version of the plugin.
    Please note that you can combine this patch with the page links to plugin in order to link to external pages.
    You can find the updated version of the patch at :


    Thanks guyn.

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