add more custom code menus

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    I’ve run out of custom code menus on my site, I’d like to add 2 or 3 more. is it possible, even with a bit of coding?



    I’ve never seen anyone need more than four. People have claimed they needed more and it just turned out that they were misunderstanding how it worked. If you aren’t 100% sure you need those extra items, perhaps post back with information about exactly what you are trying to achieve. I can think of a few edge cases in which someone might need more, but I’m yet to actually see an example of it being used in action.

    If you do actually need to add more, it may be easier to just custom code the menu into the theme.


    I haven’t misunderstood how it works, I just need more menus.


    What exactly are you trying to do? That must be a very complex menu you are trying to create if you need that many custom code boxes. I was surprised when people kept asking for more than the intial two which I added, but I’m yet to see a menu which actually needed that many.

    If I can see an example of a menu that actually requires that many, then I might add a few more into the plugin, but until I see a need I’d rather not do that.

    The only other option is to custom code the HTML into your theme.

    "Ryan" wrote:
    What exactly are you trying to do? That must be a very complex menu you are trying to create if you need that many custom code boxes. I was surprised when people kept asking for more than the intial two which I added, but I’m yet to see a menu which actually needed that many.

    If I can see an example of a menu that actually requires that many, then I might add a few more into the plugin, but until I see a need I’d rather not do that.

    The only other option is to custom code the HTML into your theme.

    I agree that we need more custom code buttons.
    Even implement a simple structure like this , I run out of them.


    Thanks for a GREAT plugin, and forum. We really appreciate all your hard work.


    I can’t really tell what you are trying to do from that link. If you post back with more information about what you are trying to achieve I’ll take a look <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’ve received dozens and dozens of requests for more custom code boxes, but in all cases it has simply been a matter of users not understanding how they work. I’m open to being shown an example that needs it, but until that happens I won’t be adding more sorry.

    EDIT: I see you posted a new topic as well. Since they were on the same topic I’ve deleted the other one.


    Thank you. Maybe I can better explain.

    I need 5 menu choices that link to 5 URL’s – one each.
    Since we have only 4 custom menu buttons – I am short one button.

    Yes, I can use the links button for that purpose, but I already have a plan for that.


    (I am sure a lot of people don’t grasp the concepts, but I did a test WordPress installation .. and spend many hours until I did understand it.. brilliant implementation)

    I am adding it today to my live blog and then perhaps I can show you better, that I am short one custom button.

    Thank you for your time.


    These are the menu choices we need.

    [b:2qfqn3pg]Home | QuickLinks | Education | Log onto Midstate | OneidaCountyEMS | FuNCMeS | Contacts[/b:2qfqn3pg]

    I would use your home button.

    I would use a custom menu button because it will have about 6 choices plus sub menus that expand out into a few choices. So I need a custom code menu button #1 here. (tried to use the LINKS button here, but it does not do sub-menus)

    Just a simple one click to one URL button. So I need a custom code menu button #2 here.

    [b:2qfqn3pg]Log onto Midstate:[/b:2qfqn3pg]
    Just a simple one click to one URL button. So I need a custom code menu button #3 here.

    Just a simple one click to one URL button. So I need a custom code menu button #4 here.

    I have no way to add  the next two menu choices which are just one click – one URL menu choices.

    Or maybe I missed something somewhere??

    Thank you anyone.

    &quot;theMezz&quot; wrote:
    Or maybe I missed something somewhere??

    I assume so.

    From what you posted above, you should only need a single custom code item. The custom code items are for storing HTML so you can put as many links in there as you want. If you need 100 links, then you can put them all in a single custom code item. You only need extra custom code items if you want to place other items (apart from custom code) between them.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    &quot;theMezz&quot; wrote:
    Or maybe I missed something somewhere??

    I assume so.

    From what you posted above, you should only need a single custom code item. The custom code items are for storing HTML so you can put as many links in there as you want. If you need 100 links, then you can put them all in a single custom code item. You only need extra custom code items if you want to place other items (apart from custom code) between them.

    THAT’S GREAT !!!!!!!!!!
    I totally missed that –
    That’s beautiful.

    thanks – -off to make coffee and figure that out.

    <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    &quot;theMezz&quot; wrote:
    Or maybe I missed something somewhere??

    I assume so.

    From what you posted above, you should only need a single custom code item. The custom code items are for storing HTML so you can put as many links in there as you want. If you need 100 links, then you can put them all in a single custom code item. You only need extra custom code items if you want to place other items (apart from custom code) between them.

    [b:2i4ubxlj]Just figured it out before the coffee is even finished.
    Excellent Excellent Excellent



    Is there something that I haven’t explained properly?

    I’m a little baffled as to what is confusing about this, but clearly I’m doing something wrong as this is a very frequent question which is brought up.

    For the lastest beta version I’ve added in some example code so that people can see how the code works. Do you think that will be enough? Or is there something else I could do to make this more clear?

    I’m finding it a little difficult to respond to some of these questions without sounding condescending. It’s hard to tell people that I don’t believe them when they insist that they need [b:23koa6yr]more[/b:23koa6yr] custom code items. I would much rather make it obvious from the beginning, but clearly I’m not doing a very good job of that <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” />

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    Is there something that I haven’t explained properly?

    I’m a little baffled as to what is confusing about this, but clearly I’m doing something wrong as this is a very frequent question which is brought up.

    For the lastest beta version I’ve added in some example code so that people can see how the code works. Do you think that will be enough? Or is there something else I could do to make this more clear?

    I’m finding it a little difficult to respond to some of these questions without sounding condescending. It’s hard to tell people that I don’t believe them when they insist that they need [b:zgwqrb09]more[/b:zgwqrb09] custom code items. I would much rather make it obvious from the beginning, but clearly I’m not doing a very good job of that <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” />

    I can only speak for myself .. and to be honest I just dove into the plugin and read very little about it. I perceive each customcodeButton as ONE button because the last 20 menu creators I tried were like that.. I think we get in a rut and think they are ALL like that.



    Works well with Chrome also .. if anyone should ask.

    thanks for the help

    have a good weekend,


    Glad too see you got it working the way you wanted <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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