Active page highlighting

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  • #48

    Highlighting the actual Page

    Hey Ryan,
    very cool Plugin indeed, see you like Simplicity too.

    I use the “simpleâ€


    Try editing the following colour code in your CSS file:
    [code:1btv0yo0]#suckerfishnav a:hover {color: #b80f0f;}[/code:1btv0yo0]


    Highlighting the actual Page – Still stuggeling

    Hey Ryan,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried “#suckerfishnav a:hover {color: #b80f0f;}â€


    Glad to hear you find the CSS generator useful.

    I’m not 100% sure what is you are trying to achieve, but if it is what I think you are trying to do, then the following should do the trick:
    [code:fpvjc69d]#suckerfishnav a { color:##fff; display:block; text-decoration:none; padding:0.25em 2em; }[/code:fpvjc69d]

    Although the CSS generator should be able to generate the code anyway so it’s probably easiest to use that instead.

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