A few theme modifications?

Forums Forums Menus A few theme modifications?

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  • #284

    Hi Ryan.
    Thanks so much for the great plugin and for being so willing to answer questions.

    I’m very new to all of this, so I apologize in advance if my questions seem stupid. I’ve been playing around with this plugin for several days and am very proud that I was able to get this far.

    Here is my site.

    I have 2 questions:
    1.)You’ll see that when you hover over the dropdown menu, the blue styling doesn’t cover the entire tab. Is there any way to style it so it does?
    2.)Is there any way to prevent all the pages from appearing in the side menu?



    Hi Cristen,
    Somewhere in your theme there be a wp_list_pages() function (probably in sidebar.php). You will need to remove that to get rid of the list of pages in your theme. If you have any trouble, you will need to contact the designer of the theme for more help.

    Try removing the surrounding UL and DIV tags around the suckerfish() function. That may fix your border problem.
    <div id="menu">`
    <?php suckerfish(); ?>

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