2 questions

Forums Forums Menus 2 questions

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  • #355

    I’ve been playing with the wp plug in and its working really well for me. I just have 2 questions.

    1. The link in my navigation for ‘Categories’ i renamed to ‘blog’ and the categories appear okay.but clicking on blog doesnt actually do anything currently, isnt it possible for this link to go to a blog summery page of all posts?

    2. I have my menus how i want them. I would however like to make a custom link that will align to the right side of my navigation bar (for example the position where "forum" is on your navigation but to keep the rest of my navigation aligned to the left. Is this possible?


    Ah, that’s an interesting idea. I hadn’t thought of making that top link go to your main blog page before. You could do that by either hard coding the PHP into your theme, rather than using the suckerfish() function. Or alternatively, you could hack the plugin files and add it there.

    I probably won’t have time to add this feature to the plugin any time soon though.

    I do custom scripts for entering directly into themes for our premium members, so if you sign up, I could code it up for you.

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