Hi (sheepish grin)
Well I finally discovered why MLNMP isn’t subjects to updates anymore… So I installed its replacement, PixoPoint menu plugin.
First off: wow. That’s some serious upgrade, with seriously great new functions!
Now, I read that it doesn’t mess with the inherited CSS – I had deactivated the CSS in the "old" plugin and placed it in the theme’s stylesheet – and indeed, in spite of the different class name family (no more suckerfish references, now they’re all pixopoint) it still shows up the way it’s supposed to. Not only that, I immediately jumped on the opportunity to switch in the search box (speaking of a great idea and improvement!) and it works like a charm.
So, question: will the sky fall on my head if I physically remove (delete) the old and inactive MLNMP folder? I mean, will PixoPoint Menu still "remember" that it has to read "pixopoint" where it’s seeing "suckerfish" or do I have to somehow recreate the CSS?
Sorry for the long ramble… Just thrilled with the new plugin here! Oh yeah: lemme know if it’s translation update time again… Odds are there are "some" strings to be done!