Evening Shade theme

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    I LOVE the evening shade theme. I am VERY new to blogging, and saw the suggested plug-in. I downloaded and activated the Multi-Level Navigation plug-in but have to idea what to do next? I dont see any changes. I saw the plug-in listed in the Settings pull down menu on the Dashboard, adn I went to it, but not sure how to use it. I would love to have dropdown boxes and have a different header picture for each page. Also, how do you get your posts to have the "read more" option instead of showing the whole entire long post?
    Were there any other plug-ins I should get? I know this is probably frustrating since Im clueless but I woul dREALLy appreaciate your help. I even bought "Word Press for Dummies" but it only teaches on basics.
    thank you in advance SOOOOOOOOO much!-Erika


    These are a lot of questions, but the evening shade theme is a great support for the Multi – level – navigation plugin. The best way to learn this is just by reading the manuals, they are everywhere. And when you really don’t now, contact me at http://www.janbroos.nl


    Have you added the pixopoint_menu() function to the theme yet?

    There are instructions within the plugin to do this.


    Ryan, question for you, there seem to be some confusion, on my side and on other about the plugins.

    There is the Multi – Level – Navigation plugin

    and the

    Pixopoint Menu plugin.

    The last one is newer but is it definitely better then the first? And is the first still in development?


    Sorry for the confusion. I goofed up a bit with this and shouldn’t have done things the way I did.

    I needed to change the name, as the plugin was no longer going to be just for Multi-level navigations but for flat navigation menus as well.

    You can’t change the name of plugins once they’re in the repository, so I had to release a new one.

    The idea was that there would be a clear upgrade path from one to the next, but things haven’t worked out that way (yet) and so I’m maintaining both of them concurrently until I can get the upgrade to work flawlessly.

    [b:27vshn2s]Lesson to be learned from this:[/b:27vshn2s] Make sure all products are branded in a vague enough way that you can modify their purpose and functionality without it making things look stupid. Ie: You shouldn’t call something a "Multi-level navigation plugin" if you are recommending people use it for non-multi-level navigation systems.

    I won’t be adding new functionality to the Multi-level navigation plugin though … unless someone pays for it. I’ll just be implementing bug fixes and ensuring it works with the latest version of WP.


    Oh, and sorry for not replying sooner. I forgot to approve a bunch of guest posts including yours.

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