WordPress Plugin not working in IE6

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    I your menu installed on a website I’m building and it isn’t working in IE 6. I have no idea what I did that rendered this inoperable. Can anyone help?


    I had a go at fixing your problem but couldn’t figure it out. From what I could see, I think there’s either a problem with your dropdown CSS or your main page CSS is clashing with it. Some trial and error should show up the bug.


    The dropdown menu does not work in some renderings of IE6 for windows. I’m not sure why and it’s hard for me to test since I don’t have easy access to a machine with IE 6.


    Are you having this trouble on all themes including the default? Or is it just on your specific theme?


    Ryan –
    Returning your query to me.

    I’m having trouble with the menu on a specific theme that I have been building. My css isn’t my strongest point so I have no doubt I introduced something wierd into it. (And it isn’t the only problem I’m having.)


    Again, the issue is on some versions of IE 6, the menu does not drop down.

    PS: If anyone reading this can give me some CSS tweaks to improve any of the issues that still need fixing, please feel free to send me some code at divina1 at hotmail.com. Getting closer to finished would be a lifesaver as this is a job I’m doing as a favor and I don’t have a whole lot of time to devote to it.


    Which versions of IE6 are having trouble with? The various subtle incarnations of IE6 normally behave identically in regards to stuff like this so I’m surprised you are having troubles. Difference between versions (ie: IE6 vs IE7) tend to be major and differences in rendering are common, but within the IE6 range it is fairly rare. I’ll have a look tonight if I have time and see if I can replicate your problem.

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