Change from Son of Suckerfish to Multi-Level Menu problem

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    I paid for 1 week of support last night. Wondering when I will hear from someone. I really need to get this drop-down menu fixed.


    We had installed the Son of Suckerfish menu and changed it to the Multi-Level menu because the suckerfish menu would only show a limited number of pages. We needed more and thought that might be the problem. But I installed the plug-in (multi-level menu) and now it isn’t showing up at all.

    I want the drop-down menu to be under the Brochures link in the navigation.

    The styling I used is the same as I had used on the suckerfish menu and it is here: … sh-css.txt

    The problem is that the drop-down menu isn’t showing up at all now. I am not much of a coder. I added the line of code <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> where the old suckerfish code was.

    I am not sure what else you need to know. Client is anxious to get the new WP site up and running and I need to get this fixed ASAP. I will gladly pay you if you can tell me what is wrong. If you need me to set you up as a user, I will do that as well. Please just email me.

    Thanks so much!


    We don’t provide one week support deals and I have no record of you having paid for our one month premium support offer.


    I think you are confusing the Suckerfish script with the CSS. The suckerfish method has nothing to do with CSS per se, it’s just a piece of javascript which overcomes the deficiencies in older browsers like IE6 which do not understand the :hover pseudo class.

    Your particular problem is caused by an error in the WP e-Commerce plugin which appears to be loading jQuery incorrectly. I know the developer of that plugin so I’ll send him a link to this topic so he knows about the issue. They have a new plugin coming out shortly though and they may already have fixed this issue.

    To get around it, you just need to deactivate anything in the admin panel which causes the Superfish script to load. Superfish uses jQuery to work, so any clashes with jQuery will affect the menu. By disabling everything, the plugin will revert back to the Suckerfish script and behave as you expect.

    Instructions on how to do this are here … … 4895#p4895

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