Menu Working Great – Content and Header Image floating left.

Forums Forums Menus Menu Working Great – Content and Header Image floating left.

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    Site is here – jujybean dot com dot au
    The CSS is inline and provided by the theme developer for use with this plugin. I have made No changes to the provided CSS. I have been trying hard to find the issue using firebug but can’t nail it down. Prior to installing the plugin the content area was fixed width a centred.

    Menu is great and operating how I want, just can’t work out why everything is shifted left.

    It seems to be related to the header.php if I revert to the header before I modified it for the plugin the content goes back to the centre.
    I replaced the existing menu div with this
    <div id="menu"><?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’))
    {pixopoint_menu();} ?> </div>

    Thanks for any tips.


    So I have reverted back to no plugin and my original header.php I can’t find a CSS entry that is doing the shift left thing, Shame I loved the menu implementation.


    We don’t provide free support for customised CSS sorry. For help with customised CSS, please sign up for our premium support service …

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