I must be thick and completely dumb, but I can not get this plugin to work, at all.
I like the samples that I’ve seen and would like to have this included on my sites.
Where is your CSS? I’m assuming you mean the CSS for the appearance tab? That’s where it is. Unless you are referring to the style.css of the theme?
What modifications have you made to the CSS? If you are referring to the style.css, I changed a few attributes for the header and navigation images. If you are referring to the CSS in the appearance tab, nothing.
What browsers are you having problems with? FireFox 3.0.10
What is the URL for your site? http://www.thepanamacityrealestateteam.com
Information you have not asked for (but I believe you should):
WP Version: 2.7.1
Theme: Modern Paper (it’s an old theme but works fine for now)
Here’s what I’ve done:
Installed the plugin – No errors
Edited the header.php
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’); ?>
<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
Also tried removing the div tags as well as the class identifier. Doesn’t work.
What I get is:
A nav bar floated right without any hover drop down. Each sub-page displays as a menu item.
Perhaps there is a more user friendly (idiots guide)documentation for the settings tab and Menu tab because I have no clue what to do with the entries on either of these tabs.
Sure I know what a page, category is etc. But I have no clue how they effect the menu’s.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
If I omitted any information needed, please let me know.