Aqua Vaccinium/NextGen conflict

Forums Forums Templates and themes Aqua Vaccinium/NextGen conflict

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    Great theme with the integrated menu! Thank you.
    I have found that the just released NextGen photo gallery and this theme conflict, where if you have the Aqua Vaccinium theme active, you can’t access the gallery administration. No big deal, you just temporarily switch to the WP default theme to admin and then switch back.
    I really appreciate your making this publicly available and the menu system is wonderful.


    Oops! My apologies for the error in that previous comment. The actual culprit is the plugin “Admin-dropdown-menuâ€


    You really threw me with your first comment as I couldn’t think of any possible reason that NextGen would clash with this plugin!

    Glad to see you like the theme <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll add your link as an example of the theme in action.

    Thanks for promoting my theme <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    re: NextGen-Gallery conflict…
    Other possible factors: Using WP 2.5
    Fluency Admin Plugin
    Link to your theme in action is:


    Yep, had the link post already.

    I noticed that NextGen/WordPress 2.5 clash quite badly today as when I upgraded our gallery dissapeared! A quick upgrade to the latest version of nextGen cured that though.


    Perhaps I have done something wrong, but even updating nextgen make no difference. The gallery continues to drop down to the bottom of the page. ???


    Argh, he’s applied clear:both to his CSS which is causing it to drop down below the sidebar.

    I don’t get why he’s added that. His plugin is very popular and damn good too though, so I’d better change my theme to work with his plugin.

    I’ll try to sort a fix for it out this weekend, but I’m too busy at the moment unfortunately.


    I have found only a nextgen admin conflict with Fluency and WP 2.5. Under WP 2.3.3 the same behavior is present where the gallery is dropped to the bottom.
    Conclusion: Aqua Vaccinium theme and NextGen galley conflict with no bearing upon Fluency or WordPress versions 2.5 and 2.3.3.
    Do you have plans to update the Aqua Vaccinium theme for WP-2.5 compatibility and WP-2.5 compatible plugins? It would be great!


    Ryan, Your prompt response/support is deserving of high praise. Thank you… what I really mean is…
    THANK YOU !!!


    This would have been an even faster response, except your comment got picked up as spam by Akismet – I have no idea why.

    Thanks for the praise <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I try to reply as quickly and thoroughly as possible, although the shear number of comments coming in lately as made that difficult at times.

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