can’t find and get rid of list-style

Forums Forums Menus can’t find and get rid of list-style

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    Hi, I don’t know if you can help me with this or not.  I’m working on a worpress install and have implemented the multi level menu.  works well but with one small problem.  There is a list-style: disc somewhere and I can’t find it.  I have combed through every styelsheet in the template and in multi-level menu and changed "everything" to list-style: none;  yet the stupid disc is still there.  The disc does disapper on hovering over the links however.

    Please ignore the incompleteness of the site – also this is a sandbox I’m using for developing the styles so am currently using absolute paths to the background images – that will all change once I’m done and ready to load it to the actual site.  I just want to get the menu all done before moving on.  The test site is located at:

    The css is located in … ehats/css/

    Yes – I have edited the css.  I’ve also used the firefox developer mode and picked through every bit of css and did a global search of the template to try to find it but can’t.

    I have also tried this with css created by the pixopoint style creator and get the same result of the disc.  It is most likely an inherited style but I’ve removed the #nav div tags and have pared it down but can’t find the cause.  Could someone with fresh eyes please take a look and see if they can where this is coming from.

    Thank you so much in advance.


    Thanks for explaining your question so well. I generally find the best way to find these bugs is to grab the page HTML and stick it in a static .html file then slowly remove chunks of code until your problem dissappears. If you track it down to a single CSS file, then I do the same with the static CSS file (slowly removing chunks of code until the problem is found).

    I’ll take a look now and see if I can find it for you.


    Here it is: … efault.css
    [code:3brk4unr]li,ul li ul li {
    background:url( no-repeat;
    background-position:0 6px;

    Your theme is a nightmare to find this stuff in since it has so many CSS files. I recommend compiling them into a single file. It will improve your load times and make the CSS easier to maintain.


    Thank you Thank you, I spent hours looking for a list-style and totally missed the use of background images for that (funny since I’ve done it myself).  You’re an angel.

    I agreee – serious nightmare.  the original theme is built to allow you to switch colors – I’ve already removes 6 other sets of colors from the css files.  The problem is that this is for an existing site so I worried that if I used a different wordpress theme that they would lose functionality and I’d really rather not try to rewrite every nitpicky little detail if I don’t have to.

    Thank you so much again.  Will post when I have a finished menu.



    Lots of developers seem to be releasing their themes with multiple CSS files so that users can sort which bit of CSS applies to what. But it makes for a pain in the neck for the likes of myself to find stuff. A better approach is to have those CSS files in the theme, but dynamically combine them together via PHP and stick them into a single file. It won’t load as quickly as a single static .css file, but it will load faster than making the end-user download a bunch of separate files, plus it makes sorting problems like this easier.


    I totally agree – they also did the same thing of breaking everything up into a million different files with the templates – I’m almost ready to just start from scratch. 

    Here is the menu with only one more small problem:

    I originally designed the menu bar using superfish and copied my styles over from that.  I know that this mod uses both suckerfish and superfish files.  The layout is perfect but for some reason the submenus remain expanded after the first mouseover.  Most likely I missed a style that this mod needs.  Did you get my email Ryan?  I would pay you to find and sort out this one issue – hopefully it will be something you can think of off the top of your head. 

    css files are in the same place as before – heavily modified.



    The plugin has already been designed to handle the CSS from the standard Superfish. You should just be able to copy and paste it in directly, there is no need to modify the CSS id’s/classes (as you mentioned in your email).

    If that doesn’t fix your problem, then just sign up for our Premium Support service ( and I’ll find a solution and send it on through for you.


    I’ve signed up for the premium support – what a bargain.  do I send you a private email to look into this or use the contact form – or just post here?

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