Menu breaks with CYC

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    I’ve got the Customize Your Community plug-in set up with multi-level menus and have a problem.

    When using CYC, the log-in and register pages work fine. But, the navigation menu breaks on the profile page. Try it yourself, head to[/url:3qv9xzgu%5D and register on the forum. After registration you are redirected to the profile page. But my navigation menu disappears! What’s happened? I don’t understand why the menu breaks on that page, but none of the others.


    I don’t have any experience with this plugin sorry. I don’t have time to register for your forum, but if you post a link to an example page with the problem I might be able to see what is going on.

    "Ryan" wrote:
    I don’t have any experience with this plugin sorry. I don’t have time to register for your forum, but if you post a link to an example page with the problem I might be able to see what is going on.

    I can’t post a link because this issue only shows up on the users profile page so you have to be logged in. I’ve attached screenshots to this post so you can see the problem. But I have no way of recreating this without you being logged in.

    In this screen grab the menu displays correctly, as it does for all other pages on my site:

    But on the profile page, the menu has vanished! I don’t understand where it’s gone:


    It’s probably because whatever template is being used to display that part of your site doesn’t have the pixopoint_menu() function specified in it.

    I was intending for you to post a replica page of the problem, not the actual page.


    Well the pixopoint_menu() function is called in header.php theme template:

    [code:1dk8c05c]<div id="navbar">
        <div id="navbarleft">
            <div id="nav">
                <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
        <div id="navbarright">
            <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’]; ?>">
                <input type="text" value="Search this website..." name="s" id="searchbox" onfocus="if (this.value == ‘Search this website...’) {this.value = ”;}" onblur="if (this.value == ”) {this.value = ‘Search this website...’;}" />
                <input type="submit" id="searchbutton" value="GO" />

    header.php is being loaded because that contain the logo as well as the search bar, which are both being displayed fine.

    I don’t know what you mean by posting a replica page? I’d happily do so if I knew how.



    By ‘replica page’ I mean saving the page and uploading it somewhere so that I can see what it looks like. If the links to CSS files, scripts etc. are specified absolutely then you should just have to grab the source code, dump it into an HTML file and it should work fine.


    Okay, I figured out what you mean now:

    Login page with menu:

    Profile page with broken menu:


    It looks like the wp_head() function is not loading in whatever template is being used for that page.

    The wp_head() function can normally be found in the header.php file just before the </body> tag.


    I’m a bit lost again now, why would there be a </body> tag in header.php?

    Looking at the source code for profile.html it looks like everything inside header.php is being used, so the header.php is being loaded for the template. But for some reason the menu code is being stripped out. Why would that be?

    &quot;Luffer&quot; wrote:
    I’m a bit lost again now, why would there be a </body> tag in header.php?

    Sorry, I meant </head> tag.

    &quot;Luffer&quot; wrote:
    … But for some reason the menu code is being stripped out. Why would that be?

    No idea sorry. That is a strange problem.

    Are you sure that you don’t have another template file which contains the header information but is missing wp_head()?


    Okay, I’ve solved the issue. It seems to be that the "Customize Your Community" plug-in is really buggy. No support for it either, not that I’ve been able to find anyway. I’ve found a far superior plug-in that does a much better job than CYC:

    [b:3stfxtxf]Theme My Login[/b:3stfxtxf] … gin-plugin

    This allows users to be redirected depending on their "Role" so admins can be sent to wp-admin while subscribers to another page. It’s all fully customisable and much easier to use than CYC. It also integrates with your theme far better than CYC did.

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