Problems with CSS theming

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    I’m very impressed with his pugin, and I’ve been tinkering with the CSS to match the style with my site. I’ve nearly got it, but a couple of things are bugging me, and I’m no CSS expert so could do with a hand.

    The site is here:

    When you hover over a menu item, the text colour is #FFFFFF, but if I then go down to a sub-menu item, such as the "News" item. The text colour goes back to #CCCCCC. How can I keep the selected top level menu text White? What part of the CSS is doing that?

    Also, my drop down menu goes a different colour about half way along the width, I don’t understand why this is. Help with these problems would be hugely appreciated. Thanks!


    Your problems are probably caused by styling from the following tags which you have wrapped around your menu:
    [code:2d05ajrp]<div id="navbar">

    <div id="navbarleft">
    <div id="nav"> [/code:2d05ajrp]


    Hmm, thanks, I’ve managed to solve that by removing all styling in the "Appearance" tab of the plug-in. Now all styling comes from the previous divs, and the whole thing looks much better!



    Glad to hear it is working okay for you now <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Thanks, but I still have the other problem with the menu not showing up on the profile page :-( … ic.php?t=9

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