Autoload Has Stopped Working

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Autoload Has Stopped Working

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    Hello! Gotta say I love Slimbox 2 so I’m very distraught that it’s quit working for me.

    I recently moved my wordpress blog to a new server (fresh wp install, fresh slimbox install, imported old posts) And Slimbox seems to still be working on the posts I created before the server move.

    I just put up this post today:
    I have Slimbox set to Auto load but it’s not doing anything when I click on my images.

    Here is an example of a post where Slimbox is working perfectly as I want it to:

    I don’t understand why it would quit working since my image upload/insert method has remained the same.

    Any suggestions?


    I’m quite tired at the moment, so I might be missing something, but it would appear in the setup that doesn’t work, you’ve just inserted images, without the necessary hyperlinks for the slimbox effect. Once you add those the script should work again.

    Also, though not the cause of your problem, you’re loading 2 copies of jQuery, one of which appears to be loaded by modularity (your theme?) and the other by wordpress. This could create other conflicts.


    Thanks, I’ll remove the redundant jQuery file. Hopefully that will help.

    I don’t know about the hyperlinks for the Slimbox effect, I’ve been inserting the images the same way I did before. I thought that’s what the AutoLoad option did.

    "malcalevak" wrote:
    I’m quite tired at the moment, so I might be missing something, but it would appear in the setup that doesn’t work, you’ve just inserted images, without the necessary hyperlinks for the slimbox effect. Once you add those the script should work again…

    [b:2x3tffn1]In this post, third image,[/b:2x3tffn1][/url:2x3tffn1] I added rel="lightbox" to the image link. Is there anything else i’m forgetting to do? Doesn’t having the autoload feature checked mean it will do this by itself? I never had to do this to get it to work before…


    Haha! I figured it out. I wasn’t hitting "link to Image"


    May seem simple to someone who knows what they’re doing but I’m new to this version of WordPress and to plugins like Slimbox. A note in the instructions would probably do a lot to prevent silly questions like mine.

    And it still doesn’t explain why it worked for me before without having to do this extra step. But I finally got it to work so I guess this one’s resolved.


    That would do it.
    I honestly have no clue why you didn’t need to do that step before.

    I unfortunately am quite busy, so I haven’t really had a chance to flesh out the instructions or write a FAQ or guide.

    Of course, if someone else wants to, I’ll gladly post it <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I’d do it if I knew anything about it besides how to muddle through getting it to work I love the effect and it’s by far the coolest plugin with the most versatility out of the ones I’ve tested.

    I appreciate you taking the time to help me out on the forum. Thanks again!

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