menus showing up from the bottom of the page

Forums Forums Menus menus showing up from the bottom of the page

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    Hi everyone,

    I am on wordpress 2.7.1, using the Elegant Grunge theme by Micheal Tyson: – I have tested in Firefox 3 on both windows and mac, and also with IE6, and had this issue in all of them.

    I am using the "death" css for suckerfish, from the suckerfish CSS editor. 

    I have made only one change to the CSS, and that is to add the z-index:1 argument to the #suckerfishnav ul setting in the CSS, because I saw that someone was having issues with the menus showing up behind images, so I added that.  It did fix that issue, but not the one that I’m writing about here.

    My issue, however, is that the menus are showing up at the bottom of my page, as in, they pop up from the bottom of the page.  I cannot figure out why this is, I  can only assume that maybe it is something incompatible with my theme, or my theme’s CSS.  I have not changed many settings save for having the first menu item pull its data from "pages", and the rest are all turned off, as the only information I need in my menu is the pages information, and their sub-pages.

    My code for the pulldown menu is in a div tag in the header.  The Code is this:

    <div id="menu">

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’); ?>
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>


    I have already tried removing much of the information in the div id for the menu and tweaking on the settings, and have had no luck.  I’m pretty much out of ideas. 

    So, if anyone has any thoughts on this, I’d be much obliged.  My webpage is – you can view the issue I’m having with the menu at

    Thanks, and please let me know if you need more information.


    Does it work if you remove <div id="menu">?

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