Vertical Dropdown on Sidebar

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    I upgraded to the premium features.  Does it get activated immediately?  If so, the new generator is very confusing.  I just want to create a simple vertical drop down and edit it on my own.  Can’t, for the life of me, figure that out.

    Thanks for any help!




    Yes it is automatic. What in particular is confusing?

    The vertical option is under ‘Navigational type:’ > ‘Vertical flyout’.


    I go to the generator page.  Click Generator On.  It shows in the left hand side.  At the bottom, it shows I have to login.  I login and it takes me back to the forum…I go back to the generator…shows no indication of me being logged in…and I don’t see what you’re referring to?

    I just want to create a vertical dropdown on the sidebar, so when someone hovers over a category, the posts flyout…is this possible?  I am available via Skype (michaelfrancisshearer) and Gtalk (mfshearer).



    There is no login in the CSS generator. I think you must be going to the template generator in which case you are in the wrong place.

    The CSS generator is here …

    Incidentally, if the template generator says you aren’t logged in, then try reloading the page, that normally does the trick. I’m working on a solution for that though so you don’t need to reload the page. It is simply a glitch in the system, it doesn’t affect the CSS generator AFAIK though.


    Got it – step one done.

    I will pay someone to make this vertical flyout with post flying out by category.

    Please contact me direct at michael (at) netexperienced (dot) com.



    I build menus for our premium support members …

    That deal actually includes access to the premium CSS generator anyway, so if you upgrade I will refund the difference for you.


    Think you could just tell me simply how to edit the core.php file to make one of the custom functions just like the recentposts function without it breaking the site?

    What I’ve done is added cat=17 to the query_posts part of the recentposts function you have.

    I just need to repeat that one more time for a different category.  Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to make the first custom function to mimic that with just a different cat id.

    Thanks for any help!


    Nevermind – figured it out.


    To answer your first question. No I wouldn’t have shown you the PHP. I spend too much time already providing free support so I have to draw the line somewhere.

    Good to hear you figured it out on your own though <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    No problem – understandable.  Sorry for the annoyance.




    No problem. I just found myself ridiculously overworked recently and have had to start backing off on free help. I also help out on other forums around the net and can’t keep up this sort of rate long term.


    i purchased the premium features. I am having the same problem. When i am in the suckerfish menu generator – every time i submit a design i just get logged out. MAC, FF and Safari


    You don’t have the same problem as the netex wasn’t actually in the menu generator. I’ve never heard of this happening before.

    I’ll take a look to confirm that it is working fine. Otherwise I’ll need you to send your login details via my contact form ( so that I can see what is going wrong.

    If something is wrong then I’ll extend your membership for you.


    I’ve tried my test login and it seems to working fine.

    What exactly happens when you are logged out? Does I spit out an error message?

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