Slimbox2 screwed up my site somehow

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Slimbox2 screwed up my site somehow

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    I was trying to install the Slimbox2 plugin via the new plugin browser/installer function that lets you just upload the .zip file to activate a plugin. Somehow the installation failed and screwed up something major, because now I’m getting the error message:

    Warning: main(/home/content/c/u/r/curryman/html/wp-content/plugins/css/): failed to open stream: Success in /home/content/c/u/r/curryman/html/wp-settings.php on line 465

    Warning: main(): Failed opening ‘/home/content/c/u/r/curryman/html/wp-content/plugins/css/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/content/c/u/r/curryman/html/wp-settings.php on line 465

    I’ve only been at this a month and I have no idea what the heck any of this means. I would be endlessly grateful if anybody could a) provide some insight and b) tell me exactly how I can fix it. Bear in mind that I’m a total newb and know basically nothing about coding, so please be as basic as possible. Thanks very much.
    P.S. I guess I should include my URL, eh?


    Have you ever installed another plugin using this method? Nothing in that error appears to be related to the plugin, and the file giving the error is an official WordPress file. If it’s the same as my copy, it’s actually failing on a line related to my-hacks.php are you aware of using anything that used that file?

    You might have better luck asking for help on the official WordPress forums, since I haven’t a clue what happened.

    If someone else has had this problem, or has any ideas, please post them here.


    Problem solved. The installation of the plugin somehow created an orphan folder called /css in the plugin folder. When I deleted it all the errors went away and the next time I looked at the plugin menu I was advised that "plugin /css has been disabled because the folder no longer exists." Bear in mind that this phantom plugin did not actually show up on the list of activated or installed plugins, so it was news to me! Anyhow, I’m glad that’s over. Kudos to the good folks on the official SP forums.

    Now I can try installing Slimbox2 again, since all the troubleshooting has thoroughly wrecked Slim 1.3, which is what I was using. Maybe tomorrow. This has been a harrowing evening… <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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